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About Us
Liquor Control
Every state in the country has an alcohol beverage control agency that regulates the manufacturing, wholesale distribution and retail sale of alcoholic beverages. There are no unrestricted free markets for alcohol sales in any state.
In Ohio, the Department of Commerce Division of Liquor Control is responsible for controlling the manufacture, distribution, licensing, regulation, and merchandising of beer, wine, mixed beverages, and spirituous liquor as the law is outlined in the Ohio Revised Code Chapters 4301. and 4303.
Regulatory Functions
The Division of Liquor Control regulatory function is based in our permitting process. Annual licensing is required for businesses that provide alcoholic beverages for consumption as a manufacturer, distributor or retailer, and in some cases an event promoter. In some cases, the numbers of permits issued (also known as licenses) are limited by quota based on the population of the area. In all cases, local community input is encouraged and considered during permitting and renewal of permits. The Division works with local law enforcement and the Department of Public Safety Investigative Unit to ensure compliance with Ohio law.